A Business Coach Can Help You Identify & Overcome Money Blocks

Dec 28, 2021

The truth is, it’s going to be very difficult for you to delve into yourself to figure out what your money blocks are all alone. It’s not that it cannot be done, but sometimes it’s just not easy to see what’s going on with yourself. Sometimes you really do need someone who is trained to help lead the way for you. You can find this person by looking for a business coach.

You can find all sorts of business coaches today. If you believe you have money mindset issues that you want to deal with, the best coach for you is someone who deals with mindset issues, and you may even find someone who deals specifically with money mindset issues. It’s such a huge problem that it’s not surprising if there are people offering solutions for this very real problem.

  • Ask Your Network – When you come to believe a business coach will help you with your mindset issues, go ahead and let your network know that you’re considering coaches and would love...
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Working on Money Mindset Takes You from Doubt to Action

Dec 14, 2021

If you’ve ever wondered why some people are good at making decisions while others tend to procrastinate, it has to do with the amount of self-awareness the person has. You can come by this self-awareness by finding a life or business coach who deals with mindset issues, or you can join masterminds, challenges, and groups to work through these issues. 

But make no mistake, most people have some form of money mindset that is contrary to what is in their best interests. Thankfully it can all be fixed. You can identify the limiting mindset, research the issue, and educate yourself about it so you can learn by data and numbers that your life experience is subjective. Stats can help you overcome that fact.

All of this takes practice and self-awareness to know when the examples you’ve witnessed – while not wrong – may not always be right. But you’ll learn how to trust your instincts because it’s based on your education and study of the situation.


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3 Common Limiting Beliefs About Money

Nov 16, 2021

There are three common limiting beliefs about money that could be affecting your ability to earn and keep more of your money.  Let’s talk about these three common limiting beliefs about money and you can determine if you have this belief even slightly and then follow the tip to end the problem.

Money is a Limited Resource

This is something you’ve been taught since you were little – not only by your parents, but also by your school and society. Money is treated as if it’s a finite source. But it really isn’t. Especially now that money is not backed by the “gold” standard and instead is just a made-up figment of your imagination. When they need more money, they can literally print more.

Think of this. When a bank loans out money, it’s creating new money out of thin air. If you put 100 dollars in savings, the bank can now loan out 80 dollars of that money (and remember you still have your 100 dollars that you can spend if you want...

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Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back from Business Growth?

Oct 25, 2021

The fact is, almost everyone has limiting beliefs and mindset issues that hold them back that formed unknowingly around something. But money mindset issues lead to this problem due to the lack of financial education that most people have. Most people learn everything they know about money from their parents. What parents know is 100 percent tied to their own education and financial class they were born into. This type of knowledge is more likely to be passed forward through close family relationships rather than school education on the topic.

These mindset issues show up easily with proof. It shows up in that eBook you wrote 6 months ago that you haven’t launched because you think your writing isn’t good enough, but you haven’t hired an editor who could advise you and you’re just sitting on it. In fact, you might have already started on another project instead of launching the first, second, or third.

Mindset issues show up because you spend hours trying to...

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Why Does Money mindset matter in Business

Oct 11, 2021

Money mindset makes a huge difference in how a person reaches and handles success.

If you have a poor mindset and fill your thoughts with limiting ideas, you may experience:

  • Less happiness and passion – You may only dabble in the niche you really love that lights you up because you are too busy doing things to get ready to do the thing that you’re passionate about. You know the trap. You have to figure out each step of the process and you feel like you have to do it all yourself - when you really don’t.
  • Less confidence in your skills – Because you don’t expect to succeed, you lack confidence in your abilities and skills. You don’t feel as if you deserve success, so you don’t experience it.
  • Inability to make logical money-based decisions – When it comes to money, due to all your fears surrounding money, and all the poor life lessons you’ve had your entire life regarding money, you find it stressful and hard to make choices and...
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